Every year we see challenges and months of awareness repeat, but not are as prevalent for your health and wellbeing as Go Sober For October.Starting in October of 2010 in order to encourage people to lay off the wine for the month to help rise money for MacMillan Charity (despite how tempting it may be). #Stoptober is also extremely beneficial not just for your mindset, not just for your health, but your skin will end up thank you for signing up. And for those of you who are finding it a bit difficult to start or are looking for a reason to start, we’ve got a couple of reasons that may make you consider giving it the old college try.
If you’ve ever woken up at after a “little” night out, head throbbing and throat drier than the Sahara desert, you’re more than likely very aware of how dehydrating alcohol can be. When we ‘broken the seal’ (needing to frequently use the toilet after drinking a large amount of Joy Juice), the body has to work overtime to hydrate the skin what little water it has left, and instead of replenishing with water, we only increase the alcohol tank we build up in our system. Doing this can cause the skin to become more and more dehydrated leading to a lack of nutrients and levels of Vitamin A, which can cause massive damage to our skin, such as our skin becoming a much duller colour as well as the increase of appearance in fine lines and wrinkles.
Now I’m sure we can all agree, there’s nothing better than a nice glass of wine, wrapped up in a blanket and finishing that book we promised we’d finish months ago (or at least that’s my perfect evening), but for all you lovelies this month, it’s probably better to back off the wine. According to The American Academy of Dermatology Association (AADA), it’s been reported that alcohol consumption can increase the chances of rosacea forming (a skin condition that can cause a flushing of the face and visible blood vessels) in women, specifically with drinking white wine and liquor, with the risk increasing even more with the more alcohol drunk. It may be time to break out the teabags.
Improved Sleep leads to Improved Skin
Even though you may hit the sack much faster than the average person after a couple of cocktails, it doesn’t mean you’re getting much better sleep. Drinkaware notes that while you’re sleeping under the influence, you’ll be spending more time in the more cumbersome REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep which makes you feel more tired in the morning regardless of how much sleep you had. Dr. Deborah Lee, (Dr Fox Online Pharmacy), says that cutting alcohol out of your diet leads to improved sleep which not only makes you feel more rested and refreshed, but getting more worthwhile sleep leads to your skin starts to repair itself more effectively by producing more collagen while you sleep, which causes your skin to look more plumper and reduces the chances of wrinkles forming. If you still like you want to give Go Sober 2022 a try, why not try signing up on their website, and for those of who feel like they need a little more push to give it a go or are finding it difficult to start this month, get in contact with Drinkline at 0300 123 1110 and they’ll give you all the help you need. Good luck to everyone if you’re taking part in Go Sober tomorrow, I’ll be right alongside you!!!
Alex xoxo
*Any links given in this blog post are not affiliated with DEWCY