'THERE SHE GLOWS' Facial Dermaplaner


Dermaplaning sloughs off dead skin and removes fine facial hair (peach fuzz.) It exfoliates the skin leaving it baby soft to the touch and glowing.

It is important to exfoliate the skin every few weeks. This process removes the dead skin from the surface of the face along with fine facial hair, allowing your skincare products to penetrate the skin more effectively.

Skin not only appears more healthy, it feels it too!

Dermaplaning does NOT cause the hair to grow back thicker or darker. The process does NOT alter the hair follicle in any way so the structure and texture of the hair will only ever grow back as it was before.

These Dermaplaners have predominately been made from Wheat Straw (80%) which is usually considered a waste product. This agricultural by-product has been pressed and mixed with a biodegradable material making it 100% biodegradable. This product is not only eco-friendly and sustainable, it is ground breaking! We are challenging the materials traditionally used in the beauty industry, finding uses for waste products and producing a beauty tool that is deserving of the phrase ‘Happy Skin Happy Planet!’


x3 Facial Dermaplaners

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Ensure that your skin is clean and dry (or if preferred, you can use an oil to prep the skin.)

Remove the lid and pull the surface of the skin taut. Hold the Dermaplaner at a 45 degree angle to the skin.

Use the tool in short, downwards movements so that the protected blade makes gentle contact with the skin. Ensure that skin is pulled taut with your other hand.

Move the tool as required over the skin to ensure all areas of the face have been exfoliated. Be sure to wipe the protective blade clean as you go.

When you have finished, rinse the tool with warm water and wipe clean. Dry and place it back in the storage box ready for the next time.

Use as required but no more than once a week.

When you feel the protective blade is no longer removing the dead skin and hair effectively, please replace it in this box and start using a new Dermaplaner.